5 tips you wish you'd had when your back started hurting
Contrary to popular belief, back pain is not a physical pain that appears in a snap of the fingers. It is often a rather long process that is the consequence of repeated bad habits in everyday life. Back pain is not uncommon; on the contrary, 8 to % to 90% are the cause of consultations with osteopaths and physiotherapists.
However, back pain can also occur after a potential injury. It is this haphazard history that makes back pain so difficult to treat in the majority of cases. Furthermore, back pain is often mechanical in origin and is not an isolated complaint. Lower back pain also affects several other areas of the body, such as the cervicals, lumbar vertebrae and shoulders, as well as more peripheral areas such as the knees and wrists.
If you suffer from back pain, you know full well that there is no magic formula for solving back problems. Better habits, regular physical activity, a ergonomic stool and improvement can help you improve your living conditions.
Discover 5 tips you wish you'd had when your back started hurting.
Consult a health professional
By consulting a health professional specialising in back problemsThis will help you to identify the target of your pain and, at a deeper level, the origins of your back problem. This is one of the first steps to consider when you experience low back pain. To avoid perpetuating the problem, you need to find out what is causing it. this back problem with the aim of changing bad habits.
In most cases, the vast majority of people who consult a specialist when they suffer from back pain are relieved after the first session. But for some conditions, the healing process can take longer.
Being active
Doing nothing when you have back problems is not really recommended. Taking medication can help in the short term. Unless the pain is really too much, it's not a good idea to do nothing. not advisable to remain in a fixed position whether sitting or lying down. This will only make the pain worse and take longer to heal.
Many back professionals recommend it, stay in motion it's the solution to a host of back problems.

Applying heat
Even if the effects are short-lived, heat can help to reduce back pain whether lumbar or other. The effect of the heat will help to reduce muscle stiffness and tension.
For example, using a hot water bottleand heating patches or a coverage or a heating pad will considerably reduce the sensation of back pain. Apply only to your painful areas and follow the instructions for use to avoid potential burns.
Getting a massage
Whether it's by a professional, a close friend or yourself, a massage can help you to reduce muscular tension that are causing your back pain.
On the Internet, you can find a number of tutorials on how to give yourself a good massage on the de relax the back. The aim of a massage is to relax the muscles in painful areas. As a general rule, follow the line of the spinal column, using slow movements with varying degrees of pressure.
Moving on a dynamic foundation
Since it's important to avoid immobility when suffering from low back pain, we can only recommend that you opt for dynamic seating when you need to be in a seated position. Whether you're working, cooking, doing sport or reading in the sun, an ergonomic stool This dynamic exercise will enable you to be active and work on your posture with the minimum of effort. With a slight rotational movement, your pelvis is mobilised. It is this action that will help to reduce your back pain throughan ergonomic seat for back pain.
With the ActiveBase ergonomic stool, you can achieve this dynamic seating functionality by using part of the dual-mobility system. Unlike other dynamic stools, the ActiveBase back pain chair offers mobility not only at seat level but also at the foot of the seat.