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The benefits of ergonomic seating ACTIVEBASE on children

Juil 22, 2021

ACTIVEBASE, the ergonomic seat for our children!

We now know, thanks to very serious studies, that the static sitting position, for hours is heavy with consequences on our health. The most common symptoms due to it are stress, lack of concentration, back pain (cervicalgia, tendonitis ..), fatigue or heavy legs. It goes without saying that this does not spare our growing children who are masterfully subjected to bad habits, especially postural, which in the long term, if not corrected, are very likely to harm their very young and fragile bone capital, until they leave after-effects in adulthood. TMS musculoskeletal disorders, a real scourge that companies and health insurance are trying to remedy. Taking the problem to the“BASE”or “Better prevent than cure” makes perfect sense!

Bad postures from school

Unfortunately, as soon as they enter school, our children are forced to sit for long hours, which is not natural for them. Accustomed to moving, this constraint quickly becomes an obstacle to concentration and becomes a source of nervousness. If there are accessories such as the massage cushion or more “farfelu” such as the elastic under the feet (to name but a few) in order to overcome the problems of posture in children, this does not solve the fundamental problem: the inadequacy of the furniture intended for them and the lack ofergonomics of the seats on which they sit 8 hours a day!

Certainly, it is difficult at the moment to imagine that all schools can equip themselves with the dynamic stool ACTIVEBASE, given the cost that this change would ense. In the meantime, we can compensate at home by equipping our children, from an early age, with ergonomic furniture, practical, adapted to their morphology and thus preserving as much as possible their health.

ACTIVEBASE to learn how to sit better

It is in this sense that the activeBASE proprioceptive stool ACTIVEBASE was designed. This ergonomic child seat is revolutionary and allows them to move, while ensuring excellent support of their back that builds muscle at the same time.

Thus, by reducing fatigue, promoting concentration and creating a working climate in efficiency and good humor, the ACTIVEBASE headquarters proves to be a valuable ally for the well-being of our children.

The main effects of the ACTIVEBASE seat are on:


Muscle tone


Posture and Balance

These different actions, especially on the Proprioceptive system and on muscle tonus will significantly and objectively increase the good results during the treatment sessions of these children. The ACTIVEBASE chair stimulates the proprioceptive system that regulates our position in space and our movements. Its function in interactivity and interdependence with other organs of the senses constitute the Postural system. This postural system, allows us to be aware of our posture, to develop sensory perception. In the face of a functional impairment of the proprioceptive system, we can find symptoms of “DYS” in particular :

  • muscle tone disorder
  • a spatial-temporal orientation disorder

By regularly using the ACTIVEBASE ergonomic seat, we stimulate these different systems to improve and optimize the management of these different disorders.

Alexandre LOOS , Doctor of Chiropractic

Christine Belli President of the associationGRAPHIDYS”, shares her experience with the ergonomic headquarters ACTIVEBASE in a session of graphotherapy.

The benefits of the ACTIVEBASE dynamic stool on children diagnosed with“DYS”and children with "ADHD " !

  • DYS: Expression of specific language and learning disorders such as dyspraxia, dyslexia, dysphasia
  • ADHD: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

The stimulations caused by the activeBASE dynamic base are of great use in the care of children “DYS” (about 10% of children in school), or with ADHD .

Children with ADHD need to squirm to learn according to a study by the UCF-(University of Central Florida – Orlando, FL News)

“Stopmoving and concentrate!”

Two conflicting injunctions for some children who need to move to concentrate.

A very interesting article on the RIREsiteexplains that tapping your foot, swinging your legs or squirming in your chair are movements that the child with ADHD needs to retain information and perform cognitively complex tasks.

If they are asked to suppress their spontaneous movements, this will occupy a very large part of their attentional capacity… so there will be little left for learning. In fact, we often see adults who start to make a repetitive movement (turning his pencil, tapping his foot, walking in circles…) when they have to concentrate.

It is not a question of letting them jump from table to table or climb the curtains, but rather to find appropriate solutions to reconcile the need for movement and respect for the working environment.

In the United States, Norway, Switzerland and France, the gymnastics ball is used in some primary classes to improve posture and concentration in children. They don’t know the dynamic seat yet ACTIVEBASE which is obviously much more suited to classrooms, both in size and seat function evolutionary made possible by its 2 adjustable cones located at both ends. cones adjustable at both ends.

ACTIVEBASE safely allows a wake-up call, a reprogramming of the stabilizing muscles of the spine as a whole, the sitting posture becomes active.

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