Our mission
Promoting an active lifestyle
for everyone, everywhere, all the time.
"Sitting is the new dinner jacket"
90% of French people suffer from back pain caused by a sitting for too long*.
31% of the world's population not enough exercise to stay healthy**.
A sedentary lifestyle is the 4th risk factor deaths worldwide **.
* OpinionWay poll ** Source WHO
ActiveBase amovement joust to all your seated moments.
Birth of ActiveBase
A French innovation
ActiveBase is the result of a collaboration between Olivier HUGOU, biomechanics expertand Guilbaut COLAS, former world ski championfollowing an injury to Guilbaut in 2013. Their idea to design an innovative rehabilitation chair was inspired by Guilbaut's rehabilitation sessions, leading to the development of the first prototype in Olivier's garage. After improving this prototype and registering several patents, ACTIVEBASE won a prize at the Concours Lépine in 2014.
Our vision
In an increasingly sedentary and 'seated' world, health and mental equilibrium depend on physical activity and the reducing the harmful effects of immobility.
Sitting can and must become dynamic.
Our mission
Promoting active living for everyone, everywhere, all the time.
Thanks to its innovative design, ActiveBase stimulates your deep muscles, actively engaging your abdominal muscles while realigning your posture.
ActiveBase is THE solution for staying active and keep your back healthy, even when seated !
ActiveBase significantly improves your physical condition and, as a result, your psychological balance.
They talked about us